The Unwritten Rules of History

Tag: the Maritimes

Upcoming Publications in Canadian History – October 2017

October header featuring the covers of the six books in the remainder of this blog post.

Welcome back to our monthly series, “Upcoming Publications in Canadian History,” where I’ve compiled information on all the upcoming releases for the following month in the field of Canadian history from every Canadian academic press, all in one place. This includes releases in both English and French. To see the releases from September and August, click here. It’s my first time writing an Unwritten Histories regular feature, so I’m pretty excited!

***Please note that the cover images and book blurbs are used with permission from the publishers.***

N.B. This list only includes new releases, not rereleases in different formats.


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Guest Post: Digitizing Legislative Documents and the BNA Legislative Database

This week’s special guest post comes to us from a familiar face: Stephanie Pettigrew, whom you may remember from this year’s CHA Reads! I’m very excited to share this guest post from her, which is based on her work on the upcoming British North America Legislative Database. This database, which is hosted by the University of New Brunswick under the direction of Elizabeth Mancke, collects together all legislation passed by the Pre-Confederation colonies of eastern British North America, including Nova Scotia, Cape Breton, PEI, New Brunswick, Upper Canada, Lower Canada, the United Canadas, and Newfoundland. The database is still under construction, but once it is complete, it will be an invaluable resource to historians of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries as well as anyone who teaching Pre-Confederation Canadian history. It seeks to, among other things, remedy some of the searching problems found in other databases, like Early Canadiana Online (ECO). So without any further ado, enjoy!

Stephanie Pettigrew

Stephanie Pettigrew is a PhD candidate at the University of New Brunswick studying the history of witchcraft in New France. She is also the project coordinator for the British North America Legislative Database (, which seeks to digitize all the pre-confederation legislative acts from the provincial legislative assembly.


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CHA Reads: Stephanie Pettigrew on Kouchibouguac: Removal, Resistance, and Remembrance at a Canadian National Park.

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Stephanie Pettigrew defending Ronald Rudin, Kouchibouguac: Removal, Resistance, and Remembrance at a Canadian National Park. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2016.

My very first impression upon reading this book was, “This should be required reading for everybody who works for Parks Canada.” That was about halfway through the first chapter. By the time I reached the epic story of Jackie Vautour more on this in a second, I decided that the book should be required reading for anybody who works for a government agency. Now, almost a year after I first read it, I think it should be read by all Canadians, particularly those using the free Parks Canada passes. This book speaks to the impact of large government projects that prioritizes economic value over human value, one were where families are forced from their lands and deprived of their livelihoods.

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