The Unwritten Rules of History

Tag: newfoundland

Best New Articles from February 2019

out of focus background, with a close up of the gilded edges of an open book.

Because, let’s face it – who has time to catch up on all the journal articles published in Canadian history?


Welcome back to the Best New Articles series where, each month, I post a list of my favourite new articles! Don’t forget to also check out my favourites from previous months, which you can access by clicking here.

Warning: As some of you may already know, Erudit has been down for the last week. Since several of the journal articles I needed were only available through this service, I was not able to include them in this month’s Best New Articles. So this is a partial list, and I will include the missing issues next month.


This month I read articles from:

Here are my favourites:


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Canada Before Confederation: Early Exploration and Mapping. The Conference, Exhibit, and the Book

Exhibit opening image - Canada Before Confederation. Photo taken by author

Hi everyone! Stephanie here. I recently had the chance to attend the  Canada Before Confederation: An Exhibition of Maps conference.  The conference itself was held at the Maritime Museum of the Atlantic in Halifax, Nova Scotia, and we were surrounded by large model ships (and a giant squid) for all of our talks – I can’t think of a more perfect setting, considering most of the talks featured early modern European explorers and mariners.  Organized by Lauren Beck, associate professor of Hispanic Studies at Mount Allison and editor of Terrae Incognitae, and Chet Van Duzer of the Library of Congress in Washington DC, the conference itself was the culmination of an enormous effort that involved organizing pre-confederation map exhibits across Canada as part of Canada 150. These maps were included in a book written and edited by Lauren and Chet. The volume was published by Vernon Books and includes full-colour images of the maps, essays contextualizing them, and amazing bibliographies, all of which I can easily see using as a teaching tool in the future. Oh, and the best part – these books were handed out for free to conference attendees! Handing out free books with pretty pictures of old maps is definitely the best way to get my attention at a conference, it turns out. (If you’d like to check out the book for yourself you can find it here.)

Cover of Canada before Confederation

Cover of the book written and edited to accompany the exhibit, Canada Before Confederation: Maps at the Exhibition. Vernon Press, 2017.

The conference was absolutely wonderful. But since most of you couldn’t be there with me, I put together this blog post so that you too can experience some of the fantastic presentations I saw! I’d like to thank Lauren Beck for going out of her way to invite me to this conference, Carolyn Prodruchny for sending me her and Alan’s paper, and Sarah Beanlands, for sending me her entire powerpoint presentation when I requested some images to include in this summary. This just proved once again how amazingly supportive the historical community can be! Finally, I’d especially like to think Elizabeth Mancke, my supervisor, for sponsoring my attendance at this conference. Ok, without any further ado, let’s get to the history!

Note: Except where noted, the images of this blog post are published with the permission of their creators. Please do not reproduce.

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Upcoming Publications in Canadian History – November 2017

Cover image for upcoming publications November

Welcome back to our monthly series, “Upcoming Publications in Canadian History,” where I’ve compiled information on all the upcoming releases for the following month in the field of Canadian history from every Canadian academic press, all in one place. This includes releases in both English and French. To see the releases from October, click here.

***Please note that the cover images and book blurbs are used with permission from the publishers.***

N.B. This list only includes new releases, not rereleases in different formats.


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Vikings in the News – Discovery Breakdown


Teva Vidal

Dr. Teva Videl in front of the Rök runestone in Sweden. Photo used with permission, please do not repost. Click to embiggen.

Welcome to Part 2 of our three-part series on the Point Rosee discovery! You can read Part 1 by going here and Part 3 by going here.

Now, I’m not an expert on the history of the Norse, but I do know someone who is — Dr. Teva Vidal, a real life Vikingologist and all around awesome person.

Here’s his bio:

Teva Vidal is a native of Ottawa and an alumnus of the University of Ottawa, where he got his first taste of medieval history. He completed a PhD in Viking Studies at the University of Nottingham, UK, during which his research took him to places far and wide in the Viking World, including Iceland, Scandinavia, and throughout the UK. After returning to the University of Ottawa to teach about Vikings, medieval history, and medieval material culture, he has now taken on new opportunities as a researcher and analyst for the Federal Government. Teva also shares his expertise on the Viking World with Carleton University’s Learning in Retirement programme, and has been a historical consultant for the Crash Course online educational video series on Youtube.

What to know just how awesome Dr. Vidal is? He teaches classes dressed as Friar Tuck and  as a Viking (photos are posted below. ;). He knows how to make chainmail and carves the most amazing pumpkins for Halloween (with intricate Celtic designs).

As soon as I read about Dr. Parcak’s discoveries, I knew exactly who to turn to. In Part 1 of the interview that follows, I ask Dr. Vidal about Parcak’s findings, whether her conclusions were sound, and how these findings fit into the larger history of the Norse in North America.

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