The Unwritten Rules of History

Tag: conferencing

An Introduction to Calls for Papers

A network of black wires ascending in a polygon formation into the sky.

A few months ago, Matthew Hayes tweeted the following at me:



What I love about my conversations with Matthew is that his questions always make me think about the insider knowledge that I have about how the historical profession works.  While I ended up answering Matthew on Twitter, along with help from the equally awesome Keith Grant and Tina Adcock, I thought that this topic definitely merited a blog post. When this question came up again last week on Facebook, I knew that I needed to get on this quick. So that’s what we’re going to talk about: CFPs and where to find them!


Quick note: while I am speaking specifically in reference to Canadian history, these guidelines apply no matter what field you are in!


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CHA 2017: Reflections

CHA Reflections


I’m back! Did you miss me? For those who missed last week’s programming notice, the blog and my Twitter feed have been a little quiet as of late because I was off attending this year’s Canadian Historical Association’s Annual Meeting. As with most conferences, this year’s CHA was a blast, and totally exhausting. Before we let this year’s CHA fade gently into the night, I wanted to take the opportunity to reflect on my experiences, what I learned, and what we and I can take forward for CHA 2018. Enjoy!

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#CHASHC2017 Archive!

CHA Archive Header


The CHA 2017 Annual Meeting might be over, but that doesn’t mean it should be forgotten!


This year’s CHA was, as always, absolutely incredible. I saw some absolutely fantastic panels, and did my best to live-tweet as many as possible! In between, I did all of the things, went all of the places, and met all of the people. My poor little hermit brain feels like it is about to explode! But before it does, I wanted to put together our annual Storify archive of tweets from the conference.

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My Top Picks for the 2017 CHA Annual Meeting

Top CHA Picks 2017


Who’s excited for the CHA? I know I am! If you remember last year, back when Unwritten Histories was still a tiny little baby blog, I wrote a Beginner’s Guide to the CHA, including my top picks for the conference.  Just because I love you guys, I have rewritten and updated the guide for this year’s CHA! However, this year, my guide is being hosted over at the CHA’s website! Go check it out!

But what about my top picks? You guys seem to think my opinion is important, so of course I am not going to leave you hanging. In this post, I’ll go over the panels that I think will be the most popular as well as the ones that I am planning to attend! Think of it as a history version of “Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego,” only it’s just me, not some super exciting spy. Just remember that these are just my recommendations, and I wish there was a way to attend multiple panels at once. 🙁

One final note before I get down to business: if you happen to spot me running around at some point, please say hi! I promise, I don’t bite! 😉 I would tell you to look for the short, quiet girl with brown hair and glasses, but since that describes at least half of the female CHA attendees, I’m not sure that it’s so helpful…


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Recap from the 2016 Festival of Learning Conference


You may have noticed some radio silence over on my Twitter account last week. That’s because I’ve been conferencing! This week, BCcampus put on a four-day conference, Festival of Learning: Celebrating Teaching and Learning in Higher Education. The conference was an opportunity for university professors, K-12 teachers, administrators, and facilitators to collaborate and learn from each other on the latest innovations in teaching and learning. Though I only attended two out of the four days, I wanted to recap and reflect on my experiences. I was also able to follow the conference on Twitter (#FoL16), and as I did with the CHA, I created an archive, which is available here.

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CHA 2016 Twitter Archive

Reflections on the CHA

I’m still sad that I didn’t get to go to the CHA this year. Thankfully, Canadian historians on Twitter did an absolutely amazing job of retweeting a huge number of panels, giving me and others a little taste of the conference! Rather than let this information vanish into the twitterverse, I decided to consolidate it into one place.

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A Beginner’s Guide to the CHA Annual Meeting and My Top Conference Picks for 2016

Beginners guide to the CHA

It’s that time of the year again: conference season! For most Canadian historians, this means the Canadian Historical Association (CHA) Annual Meeting, which starts on May 30th and runs until June 1st! I can’t go this year, but my intrepid friend Catherine Ulmer has agreed to serve as my “official” CHA report. So we can look forward to her reports in two weeks. If this is your first time attending the CHA conference, or Congress in general, everything can seem really intimidating. So in this blog post I’m going to give you a beginner’s guide to the CHA conference, and at the end, give you my suggestions for must-see panels!

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