The Unwritten Rules of History

Category: Uncategorized (Page 1 of 2)

Upcoming Hiatus

Hey folks. I wanted to give you a head’s up that I’m stepping back from the blog. The roundup that went out today will be the last one. We’re going to finish out the Acadian series because it’s already done. But I haven’t been finding my work to be rewarding in a while. I need to make some changes, and figure out what I want to do. So maybe I will come back and post when I feel like it, maybe not. I’ll keep you updated. I’m also going to take a break from social media for a while to clear my head. Thanks so much for your support.

Special Announcement – Andrea Eidinger Wins the Marion Dewar Prize

Image of Marion Dewar Prize awarded to Adrea EidingerStephanie here, to bring you this exciting news! Our fearless leader here at UH has won the Marion Dewar Prize in Canadian Women’s History!

The Marion Dewar Prize is awarded by the National Capital Committee on the Scholarship, Preservation, and Dissemination of Women’s History, which is composed of a number of feminist historians from across the country, and nominations for the prize are drawn from members of the committee.

We are so proud of Andrea, and her continued commitment to great historical scholarship, despite the hardships she has faced in this academic market. The National Capital Committee also acknowledges her hard work, not only by awarding her this prize, which is so rarely awarded to non-tenure academics, but by stating in the letter accompanying the award, “We were impressed by your keen commitment to developing new ways to be a historian in this difficult academic market. The Committee appreciated the work you have done to single-handedly creating lively and informative blogs that serve as an introduction to the broad field of Canadian history.”

So join me in congratulating my friend, Andrea, in her amazing accomplishment, which we also happen to be announcing on her birthday! (so throw a “happy birthday” in there too!)

And join us tomorrow for our regularly scheduled blog post!

Upcoming Publications in Canadian History – April & May 2019

Image containing covers of six books featured in this post

Welcome back to our monthly series, “Upcoming Publications in Canadian History,” where I’ve compiled information on all the upcoming releases for the following month in the field of Canadian history from every Canadian academic press, all in one place. This includes releases in both English and French. To see the releases from last month, click here.

***Please note that the cover images and book blurbs are used with permission from the publishers.***

N.B. This list only includes new releases, not rereleases in different formats.

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2018: A Year of Canadian History in Review

This is an image of an outdoor lantern light with string lights, handing from the side of a building in the middle of a snowy landscape.

Welcome to our third annual Unwritten Histories year-end review and the last post of 2018! As  I did in the previous two years, I have divided this look back into two parts. The first is a month-by-month recap of some of the most important events in Canadian history over the past year.  In the second part of this blog post, Stephanie and I list some of our favourite reads from the past year.

A few quick caveats:

  1. In the interest of keeping this list to a manageable length, I’ve limited it largely to subjects that had national relevance. Otherwise this list would never end.
  2. With a few notable exceptions, I have not included anniversaries in this list. That’s mostly because anniversaries come around every year.
  3. I also have not included every single major digitization or new archival project. However, if you want, I can definitely do a separate post for those in the new year.
  4. I’m sure I’ve missed stuff. If I did miss an event that you think should be on the list, let me know in the comments below!

Without any further ado, enjoy!

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The Hiatus Continues

photo depicting tea, glasses, tissues

Apologies to everyone who was hoping for a blog post today, but Lee is still in the hospital and awaiting surgery, Andrea is there to support him, and I am still sick. So we’re continuing the hiatus until next week, when I will hopefully be back with coverage of the Atlantic Canada Studies Conference.

Thanks to everyone who has been in touch with well wishes! If you want to get in touch with Andrea and/or Lee, or find out how you can help support them through the next few weeks, you can contact me via twitter (@steph_pettigrew) or of course you can message Andrea (@andreaeidinger)

We hope to be back very soon!


No Roundup This Week

Hi folks. So apparently April 2018 is going for worst month ever, because we’re back in the hospital with my husband. And adding to the fun is the fact that Stephanie has also been ill, and I’m still sick. So there won’t be a roundup this week, and likely no blog post either. Hopefully next Sunday we’ll back back up and running. I’m really sorry about this. Either Stephanie or I will post updates as soon as we can! Thanks for your understanding!

Delayed due to plague

Hi folks — Pro bono editor/husband here …. Andrea seems to have come down with a cold, and so the next blog post will be delayed by a day or so. I’m feeding her soup, tea, and lozenges. She feels guilty for not posting. Send good vibes. Cheers, L

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