Canadian History Roundup April 16, 2017

Marie Claire, April 22 1938. Musée du costume et du textile du Québec, 1516-31. CC BY 2.0


The latest in blog posts, news, and podcasts from the world of Canadian history.


Missed last week’s roundup? Check it out here.


It was a bit of a quiet week for Canadian history, relatively speaking. But I guess that makes sense since we’re in the midst of marking season, the craziest time of the year. Nevertheless, I hope you enjoyed this week’s roundup and aren’t too burnt out by marking (if that’s what you’re doing). If you did enjoy this post, please consider sharing it on the social media platform of your choice! And don’t forget to check in on Tuesday for a brand new blog post! I’ll keep it a secret for now. 😉 See you then!

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